Last Updated: 2024-06-25

39 Stavebank CondosMain1Featured

39 Stavebank Condos

39 Stavebank Rd N, Mississauga

Price N/A


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About 39 Stavebank Condos Development

39 Stavebank Condos in Port Credit neighbourhood is a high rise building. The exact location of 39 Stavebank condos is 39 Stavebank Rd in Mississauga. This 13 storey building has 48 units for sale and rent. The construction of 39 Stavebank condos was completed in 1975.

The bustling streets of Port Credit makes these 39 Stavebank condos a desirable property for anyone planning a stable life in Mississauga. In fact, the sold history and past twelve months trends suggest this development is a complete value for the price you pay. Each unit has advanced facilities as well.

Features and Amenities

The 39 Stavebank condos have feature-packed amenities and utilities in every condo unit. Indeed, they are amongst the best amenities available in condos in the Port Credit neighbourhood. Moreover, the maintenance fees and price you pay to access these facilities are pocket-friendly. Correspondingly, it covers heat, water, insurance, and parking.

Meeting rooms, concierge, outdoor patio facilities in condos 39 Stavebank at 39 Stavebank Road are at par with latest market standards.

For more information about the condo units and their price in this building as well as in nearby cities, contact agent of our firm. Our professionals will inform you about the price of each condo unit. Also, we will suggest you condos nearby the Port Credit area for sale or rent.

Location and Neighbourhood

The nearby buildings of 39 Stavebank condos are 21 Park Street east, Lakeshore Road east, 8 Ann Street and many more. Additionally, the Port Credit neighbourhood gives these units in Mississauga access to lively city life. Indeed, 39 Stavebank Rd has some fine eateries, shopping malls. Lorne Park is just a few steps away from the condo units in this building at 39 Stavebank road.

The sale or rent value of these condo units upholds to what this place has to offer. Moreover, the residents of Stavebank condos can easily commute to any place in the city without much hassle. Mississauga is in close proximity, 39 Stavebank Road is not far away to cater to all your daily needs. The waterfront views add to the serenity of this building.

Accessibility and Highlights

The Stavebank condos are well-connected to the rest of the city via subways, metro stations and public transportation. The Stavebank condos property at 39 Stavebank Rd has a walk score of 80. Furthermore, the transit score of these condos at 39 Stavebank Rd and nearby buildings is 60.

The market value of the condo units, whether for sale or rent, is competitive. The intended price and brokerage terms of each unit varies according to the floor plans and sqft. Moreover, the price of new property listings on Stavebank Road account for the amenities they offer.

About the Developer

The condos are managed by Shiu Pong Management firm. Use the information displayed here to sell or rent your condo unit at 39 Stavebank Rd.

Our contact agent will inform you about listings for rent or sale. We are up-to-date about the past history of this property in Mississauga. Moreover, discuss with us the brokerage terms related to the sale or rent of the Stavebank condos.

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