With my experience in assisting many condo owners navigate their path, I recognize the significance of becoming acquainted with these rights to maintain a peaceful living space for the foreseeable future.
From common areas like parking spaces and hallways to shared facilities such as lobbies and rooftops, the condominium community operates under specific regulations outlined in the Condominium Act, declaration, rules, and by-laws. Adhering to these guidelines is essential for maintaining a sense of order and cohesion within the community.
But what exactly are your rights as a condo owner in Ontario, and how do they impact your daily life within the community?
Join me as we delve into the intricacies of condo ownership rights and explore their significance in fostering a peaceful and thriving living environment.
The Rights You Are Entitled to as a Condo Owner
Here are the few basic condo ownership rights in Ontario you must know:
- Enjoy your condo space quietly, that is, without creating a nuisance for the others living in the same community.
- As a condo property holder, you have administrative authority to vote at the owners’ meetings.
- One of the very basic condo owner rights Ontario is to become a part of the election to the Board of the condo community.
- You should have a periodic reserve fund and have an annual budget.
- You also have the right to review any of the condo corporation records, which include the financial statements, or the minutes of the meetings held, etc [1].
- The condo unit owners can also request/call for an owner’s meeting at the board to discuss various important matters.
- The owners on the board can also exercise the right to add an issue or raise a concern in the owners’ meeting.
- It allows the owners to seek accommodation pertaining to a disability.
- As condo owners, you have full rights to sell your unit or rent it out legally to the individual you find fit for it.
Remember, these entitled rights are the bare minimum since some condo locations could offer more. You can watch this video to learn what condo owners can expect in these rules.
Owning a condominium is different from owning a house because you are part of the larger condominium community. – Condominium Authority of Ontario
The Responsibilities You Must Have as a Condo Owner
Along with accessing the condo owner rights in Ontario, there comes responsibility, too, with the condominium units. Few of the responsibilities that all of you, as condo owners, must keep in mind are:
- Strictly abide by the condo community’s by-laws, declarations as well as rules.
- Keep your condo suite in good condition. Hence, get your condos repaired and maintained whenever necessary.
- You must pay the common expenses and service fee as levied by the condominium corporation. This also includes the liens or chargebacks and other special assessments [2].
- Never interfere in the matters or space of your neighbor’s unit.
Condo owners should follow all the necessary condominium owner rights and responsibilities in Ontario to have a happy, healthy, and peaceful condo living. At the same time, note the responsibilities that you must have as the owner of a condo suite. Moreover, there is a set of duties from your end, too, for the common spaces and facilities of the condo community that you are a part of.
Visit Precondo for exclusive access to all the new and upcoming condos in Canada.
- https://www.ontario.ca/page/condominium-law-changes
- https://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/personal-finance/genymoney/buying-a-condo-the-costs-and-lifestyle-can-be-an-eye-opener/article32647569/