cost of bathroom remodel
Jordon Scrinko
Published by Jordon Scrinko
Last Updated On: June 14, 2024

How Much Does a Bathroom Remodel Cost?

Remodelling a bathroom is a substantial yet rewarding investment that can significantly enhance your home’s functionality and market value.

With over a decade of experience in the bathroom renovation industry, we’ll help you understand the cost factors for bathroom remodels based on the scope of work and materials chosen.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down key cost components and share insider tips on maximizing your budget.

Quick Summary

  • Basic bathroom remodels cost $2,500-$7,500, mid-range remodels $7,500-$15,000, and luxury upgrades over $25,000.
  • Costs include demolition, plumbing, and electrical work, wall and floor finishes, vanity and storage, and shower/tub installation.
  • You can explore DIY tasks like painting or tiling, reuse or refinish fixtures when possible to save money during a remodel.


How Much Does a Bathroom Remodel Cost?

A bathroom remodel costs anywhere between $7,500 to $25,000 depending on the size, the quality of the materials used and the demolition work requirements [1].

Here’s an overview of the average costs for different levels of bathroom remodels.

Basic/Cosmetic Remodel

A basic remodel focuses on surface-level changes such as painting, replacing fixtures, or installing a new vanity.

The estimated cost is between $2,500 and $7,500, depending on the size and existing condition of the bathroom.

Mid-range Remodel

Mid-range remodels often involve new fixtures, upgraded cabinetry, and a new shower/tub combo.

 This type of project typically costs between $7,500 and $15,000.

High-End/Luxury Remodel

A high-end remodel involves high-quality materials, custom cabinetry, and luxury features like heated floors, steam showers, or freestanding bathtubs [2].

Expect to spend upwards of $25,000 for these upscale elements.

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Breakdown of Typical Bathroom Remodel Costs

In this next section, we’ll give you an estimated breakdown of the typical costs you can expect when planning for your bathroom remodel [3].

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Demolition and Removal

Demolition involves removing old fixtures, cabinetry, flooring, and wall finishes.

Costs typically range from $500 to $1,500, depending on the size of the bathroom and the volume of debris.

You should also be prepared for potential surprises like mold or water damage that could add to the budget.

Plumbing and Electrical Work

Replacing or moving plumbing fixtures may cost $1,000 to $3,000, depending on the complexity of the job.

From our professional experience, updating wiring, adding outlets, and installing new lighting fixtures can cost $500 to $2,000.

Wall and Floor Finishes

Ceramic tiles typically range from $2 to $15 per square foot, while stone tiles may exceed $30 per square foot. Installation labor is usually $4 to $10 per square foot.

Painting costs around $200 to $500 for an average-sized bathroom.

Vanity, Countertop, and Storage

Vanity units vary widely in cost, from $300 for a basic pre-fabricated model to over $3,000 for custom cabinetry.

From our experience, countertops are often priced by the square foot, with laminate costing $20 to $50 per square foot, and premium stone like granite or quartz ranging from $70 to $150 per square foot.

Shower or Tub Installation

Walk-in showers are increasingly popular but often cost more than traditional shower/tub combinations due to the tiling and glass doors involved.

Expect to spend $1,500 to $5,000 on a walk-in shower and $500 to $2,000 on a basic tub/shower combo.

You should also note that adding extra features like body jets, steam, or special tiles can increase costs further.

Toilet Installation

Basic toilets start at around $100, while high-efficiency or luxury models can range from $500 to over $1,000.

Lighting and Ventilation

Installing or upgrading modern lighting fixtures costs around $200 to $1,000. Adding or replacing a ventilation fan typically ranges from $150 to $500.

Accessories and Final Touches

When remodelling a bathroom you can add accessories like mirrors, towel racks, and shelves can add up quickly.

If you plan to do this, we recommend that you budget $100 to $500 for functional or aesthetic touches.

Interior Cost

Key Factors Influencing Bathroom Remodel Costs

When it comes to bathroom remodels, costs may vary depending on different apects. These factors include the following:

Scope and Complexity of the Remodel

The extent of the remodel is the primary factor determining the overall cost.

Drawing from our practical experience, a cosmetic upgrade typically involves refreshing the bathroom with new paint, fixtures, and accessories while leaving the plumbing and layout intact. Such a project usually ranges from $2,500 to $7,500.

A complete overhaul, on the other hand, involves gutting the space, replacing plumbing lines, and potentially adjusting the layout. This type of renovation can cost $15,000 or more, depending on the size and structural changes needed.

Structural modifications, such as adding or removing walls, may also require permits, adding to the total expense.

Size of the Bathroom

The bathroom size is directly proportional to the renovation cost, as larger spaces require more materials and labor.

  • Half-Bath: Remodeling a half-bath (typically just a toilet and sink) ranges from $3,000 to $5,000.
  • Full-Bath: A full bathroom (with a shower/tub, sink, and toilet) may cost between $7,000 and $12,000.
  • Master Bathroom: Larger master bathrooms with upscale features start at around $15,000 and can exceed $25,000 if luxury finishes and fixtures are used.

Materials and Finishes

Material selection can drastically affect your budget, with premium tiles, fixtures, and cabinetry often costing twice or even three times as much as standard-grade options.

  • Tiles: Ceramic tiles are affordable, while stone or custom tiles can be quite expensive.
  • Fixtures: Standard fixtures cost around $100 to $500, while premium faucets and showerheads can exceed $1,000.
  • Cabinetry and Countertops: Stock vanities and laminate countertops are budget-friendly, whereas custom cabinetry and quartz or marble countertops will inflate the costs.

Labor Costs and Contractor Fees

The choice between hiring professionals or attempting a DIY remodel can significantly affect your bottom line.

We always recommend hiring skilled contractors who can provide valuable expertise and ensure compliance with local regulations, but their labor fees often constitute 30-50% of the total cost.

Rates can also vary based on your geographic location, with urban areas generally commanding higher fees.

Plumbing and Electrical Work

Moving or replacing plumbing and electrical fixtures requires specialized expertise and often adds to the remodeling expense.

  • Plumbing Work: Installing new fixtures or re-routing pipes can cost between $1,000 and $3,000.
  • Electrical Upgrades: Adding new outlets, upgrading wiring, or enhancing lighting may add an additional $500 to $2,000.

Permit and Inspection Fees

From our firsthand experience, local regulations may require permits for extensive bathroom remodels, particularly if they involve plumbing or electrical changes.

Permits ensure safety compliance but can cost you $50 to $500 or more, depending on the complexity of the work.

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4 Tips for Budgeting and Reducing Costs

If you’re planning to remodel your bathroom, here are 4 tips that can help you cut down on the overall costs.

  1. Prioritizing Key Features: Deciding where to invest and where to save is essential.  You should focus on the key features that will enhance your daily experience, such as a quality showerhead or a spacious vanity, and consider saving on less critical elements like towel racks or light fixtures.
  2. DIY Opportunities: If you possess the necessary skills, tasks like painting, tiling, or replacing cabinet hardware can be completed DIY-style to save labor costs. Be cautious not to take on complex tasks that could lead to costly mistakes.
  3. Reusing or Refinishing Existing Fixtures: Repurpose elements that are still in good condition. Consider refinishing the bathtub or vanity to give them a fresh look without replacing them entirely.
  4. Comparison Shopping and Negotiating: Shop around for quality materials at discounted rates or clearance sales. When working with contractors, we recommend comparing multiple bids and negotiate where possible to get the best value.



Is It Worth Investing in a Bathroom Remodel in Terms of Home Value?

Yes, investing in a bathroom remodel is worth it in terms of home values.With a 60-70% return on investment, a well-executed remodel enhances both the functionality and aesthetic appeal of your home, making it a strong selling point that attracts potential buyers and adds competitive edge.

How Long Does a Bathroom Remodel Typically Take?

A bathroom remodel typically takes 2-8 weeks depending on project complexity. Simple cosmetic upgrades can be completed in 2-3 weeks, while more involved renovations requiring plumbing, electrical work, or layout changes may take 4-8 weeks.

Do I Need Permits For a Bathroom Remodel?

Yes, you need permits for a bathroom remodel as they are generally required for projects involving significant plumbing, electrical, or structural changes. Securing proper permits ensures that your remodel complies with local building codes, preventing legal issues and ensuring safety.



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